A featured image for TeachAAPI


  • HQ

    Santa Monica, CA

  • Founded


Status of data

Verified by Organization

Last updated in

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Operating budget

$100k - $200k

Staff Size

1 - 10

Areas of Focus
  • Arts & Culture
  • Education Access
  • Youth Development
Populations served
  • Chinese
  • East Asian
  • Native Hawaiian
  • Jennifer Kong Community Outreach & Program Manager

TeachAAPI’s vision is for our next generation of Americans to innately envision AAPI cultures, peoples, and stories as a part of America. Our mission is to weave Asian American and Pacific Islander experiences into our collective identity as Americans. We work to shape a more inclusive future for America by providing relevant, immersive, and shelf-ready resources to parents, educators, students, and community members, empowering them to foster awareness and inclusivity. Our programs are forward-looking, multifaceted and experiential, celebrating the strength, diversity, and value of the AAPI community. Our work connects AAPI children to their roots strengthening pride and self-advocacy, and sharing our stories beyond our community broadens perspectives, builds connections and generates allyship to drive systemic change.