A collage representing the diversity of AAPI people and culture
The Asian American Education Project

The Asian American Education Project

  • HQ

    Los Angeles, CA

  • Founded


Status of data

Verified by Organization

Last updated in

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Operating budget

$1M - $2M

Staff Size

1 - 10

Areas of Focus
  • Anti-Hate & Anti-Racism
  • Education Access
  • Arts & Culture
Populations served
  • Bangladeshi
  • Burmese
  • Cambodian
  • Virginia Loh-Hagan Co-Executive Director

The Asian American Education Project believes that education is one of the key long-term solutions to anti-Asian hate. We are actively advocating for a full and accurate accounting of Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) histories and narratives in K-12 classrooms. We believe that an education that includes APIDA benefits everyone.