A collage representing the diversity of AAPI people and culture
Hawaii Peoples Fund

Hawaii Peoples Fund

  • HQ

    Honolulu, HI

  • Founded


Status of data

Publicly Sourced

Last updated in

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Operating budget

$500k - $1M

Staff Size

1 - 10

Areas of Focus
  • Civic Engagement
  • Environment & Environmental Justice
  • Labor and Workforce Development
Populations served
  • Native Hawaiian
  • Ms Micky Huihui Executive Director


Hawaiʻi People’s Fund is mobilizing to help provide immediate relief to those directly impacted by the wildfires on Maui Island.

Maui Aloha: The Peopleʻs Response is dedicated to providing a safe and trusted conduit to move kōkua quickly in support of community organizers and organizations already engaged in this work, on the ground.

Funds raised through this effort will move critical resources to past, present, and future community partners committed to nurturing our beloved community through this storm.

We understand that low-income families, houseless communities, service workers, people with disabilities and people who are incarcerated, as well as Indigenous communities, immigrant communities and communities of color, are disproportionately impacted by crises such as the recent fires in Maui. We therefore see grassroots, community-based organizing as essential for providing care to everyone, at this moment and everyday.

Hawaiʻi People’s Fund understands that this is an opportunity for us all to ensure the safety of our most vulnerable communities, while uplifting the models of care exemplified by our partners, who have worked to upend and heal systems of oppression, for over 50 years.

MAHALO for your kōkua to make this happen, allowing us to expand our collective reach during this critical time!!